TAE: The A-List

Hello! And apologies for taking a bit of a blog break. It was an exciting summer, filled with travel, Agency projects, site updates, and just a little bit of rosé, and after Labor Day I found myself needing some extra time to remind myself what The American Edit is all about.

Today you’ll find a slightly updated site and over time I hope you’ll see an updated TAE – over the last year I’ve tried a lot of things, and am realizing what this site is, and what it is not. And while the core focus of sharing the best of American made will never change, I hope to spend the next few years not only introducing you to incredible product and brands, but also furthering the conversation around building a business, consuming thoughtfully within constraints, and finding your own success. I’m so thankful that so many of you take time to read this site each week and I will do my best to continue to add value to the conversation.

On the blog front, we’ve cleaned things up and simplified; I’m hoping you will find the site an even more useful resource for all things American made.

Most notably, The A-List. You’ll find many new brand additions, a pin-pointed map (this is a work in progress – bear with me, my geography skills are weak at best!), and a cleaner search categorization. I’ve also included boutiques for the first time, and am excited to share more shop profiles going forward.

I’ll be back next week with one of my favorite topics… jeans!

Let me know what you think! Have a wonderful weekend!

Labor Day

A worker at Pamela Love’s New York Studio.

“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” U.S. Department of Labor

Shinola made in america
Workers at Shinola’s Detroit factory.

In the next 4 months, many of of us will spend more money on consumer goods than the rest of the year combined. Let’s honor the American worker today – and every day – by doing our best to buy American made wherever and whenever possible.

In case you missed it, I shared these images along with many other amazing American made brands in my 4th of July post for Barney’s

The Introduction: Elkin

I am a sucker for a good lookbook and the Elkin Fall 2014 campaign featuring Emma Roberts is awesome. Always happy to discover a new American made brand… and I’ll be making this tee my own immediately. Is it overkill to get both colors? asshole-tee

Images via Who/What/Wear.

Follow Elkin for some pretty awesome shots of one Kelly Oxford rocking the Asshole tee and additional previews of the new collection: