
I hate that equality is something we still have to talk about. Think of all the good we (women, the entire human population, etc.) could be doing if we didn’t have to fight for basic things like equal pay or the ability to go to school.

I’m thankful that this site introduces me to amazing, incredible women who kick ass professionally and personally each day.

In that vein… a fairly random mix of serious and fun reads (and a podcast!) this week. All by women.

But Why are They Only Taking Girls?
Stella Bugbee on telling her daughter about the Nigerian kidnappings… a conversation we should all be having.

The Coveteur : #GirlBoss – Career Advice that Actually Matters
Brilliant advice from some of my favorite women in fashion – Christene Barbarich, Laura Brown, Bobbi Brown…

I’m also reading the actual #GirlBoss book right now… and loving it. Nasty Gal in general isn’t typically my taste (but I do love that you can enter “Made in America” in the search box and get legitimate results!) but Sophia Amorusa has a pretty incredible story.

Sarah Silverman on being an Actual, Full Grown Woman
Don’t lack initiative. People tell me, “I want to be a writer.” OK, then write. There’s no trick. No one’s gonna knock on your door and ask you to write. Just write, dummy. Put your 10,000 hours in (see: Malcolm Gladwell), and be undeniable.

Design*Sponge After the Jump: The Cost of Independent Design
A fascinating conversation between Grace, Claire Mazur of Of a Kind, and Kathryn Fortunato of Lizzie Fortunato Jewels on the true costs of independent design, why Lizzie Fortunato is still made in the US, and how important it is to support small designers.
Also, be sure to read my interview with Claire and her co-founder, Erica Cerulo.

The Ann Friedman weekly.
I read a lot. This is the smartest thing I read each week. Subscribe, you won’t regret it.

[image via Tommy Ton]

This week I have a fun home feature on one of my favorite sites, some interviews I’m so excited to share, AND we are throwing a launch party for our new studio… follow along to see all of the fun: